DA Photo Request
ATTENTION: The VIOS website is down until further notice. To schedule a DA or command photo at Jackson Barracks or Training Center Pineville, please contact CPT Peter Drasutis at o: (504)-278-8665, c: (504)-717-9629, or peter.a.drasutis.mil@army.mil.
The National Guard Bureau and the Army are implementing the Visual Information Order System (VIOS) in order to manage and track production and expenses. In doing so, all requests for DA and Command photos are now required to be scheduled by the requester through the online VIOS system.
DA Photo Request Instructions
There are two ways to access the site. Users with CAC readers should go to vios.army.mil.
Once a new user has accessed the site they should follow the steps below to establish an account and request a service.
- Select the eastern side of the United States map.
- Select your digital certificate, then click ok (CAC enabled users only)
- Determine the type of user you are after reading the user descriptions. Most customers will be new users. Select the “new user button” on the right side of the screen.
- Using the drop down box select your installation. Louisiana National Guard customers will select Louisiana ARNG, then select continue.
- Select the 3903 work order image.
- Complete your customer contact information (note this is a onetime process and your shipping address will be the same as your current address).
- Select next to continue.
- You are now ready to submit a work request. Follow the prompts to complete your request submission.
- Type in DA Photo or Command Photo
- Select Photography, click next
- Select type of Photography: DA Photo (To schedule a DA or Command photo please select the DA photo option. In the additional comments section of the DA 3903 state DA, Command Photo, or both.)
- Select the purpose
- Select Enlisted or Officer and follow the drop down prompts
- Select the studio either Jackson Barracks or Training Center Pineville
- Select the calendar to view available appointments
- Quantity: 1
- Add any additional comment for the request. No cost estimate is needed
- Select Submit to process your request
PHOTO APPOINTMENTS: DA/Head & Shoulder photos are available Thursdays at Jackson Barracks from 0900-1600hrs. For Training Center Pineville, Head & Shoulder Photos are available from 0900-1100hrs and DA Photos from 1300-1500hrs every other Wednesday. The DA Photo Lab locations are Jackson Barracks, JFHQ Building, PAO Office, and Training Center Pineville, Building 496.
OTHER PHOTO REQUESTS: Note that when submitting a work order for a passport or change of command photo you must select the DA Photo option under Type of Photography. DO NOT SELECT Head and Shoulders /Passport, you will not be able to schedule an appointment under this option.
If you have specific photo related issues contact the DA Photo Lab/CPT Peter Drasutis at 504-717-9629 or email