La. National Guardsmen receive Purple Hearts
By Sgt. Rebekah Malone
Louisiana National Guard Public Affairs Office
PINEVILLE, La. – During a formal ceremony, two Louisiana National Guardsmen were presented the Purple Heart at Brooke Army Medical Center’s Warrior Family Support Center in San Antonio, Nov. 15.
Pfc. Kevin Meyer, of Gonzales, and Pvt. Rhykem Rogers, of Slaughter, were injured when the vehicle they were riding in was struck by an improvised explosive device, Oct. 9. The Guardsmen are members of the 926th Engineer Company, 769th Eng. Battalion, which is currently stationed in Afghanistan.
Brig. Gen. Owen Monconduit, commander of the 225th Engineer Brigade, presented the decoration to the Guardsmen
“It is an honor and a privilege to award Pfc. Meyer and Pvt. Rogers with the Purple Heart for their military service. Both Soldiers have certainly answered the call to duty in protecting our freedom,” said Monconduit.
The decoration is awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the United States who are wounded by an instrument of war at the hands of the enemy. It is specifically a combat decoration.
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SAN ANTONIO – During a formal ceremony, Louisiana National Guardsmen Pfc. Kevin Meyer and Pvt. Rhykem Rogers are presented the Purple Heart at Brooke Army Medical Center’s Warrior Family Support Center in San Antonio, Nov. 15, 2011. Meyer (middle left) and Rogers (middle right) were injured when their vehicle was struck by an improvised explosive device, Oct. 9, 2011. The Guardsmen are members of the 926th Engineer Company, 769th Eng. Battalion, which is currently stationed in Afghanistan. Brig. Gen. Owen Monconduit, commander of the LANG’s 225th Engineer Brigade, presented the decoration to the Soldiers, along with Command Sgt. Maj. Robert Stiefvater, senior enlisted advisor for the 225th, and Lt. Col. Cindy Haygood, commander of the 769th. (Courtesy Photo by the Louisiana National Guard/Released)